Publications from P-Y. Musso lab
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Publications from P-Y. Musso postdoctoral research
Peer-reviewed research
Jelen, M. Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Gordon M, D. (2023) Optogenetic induction of appetitive and aversive taste memories in Drosophila. ELife Sep 26;12:e81535. doi: 10.7554/eLife.81535.
Pesch, Y, Y. Dang, V. Fairchild, M, J. Islam, F. Camp, D. Kaur, P. Smendziuk, C, M. Messenberg, A. Carr, R. McFarlane, C, R. Musso, P-Y. Van Petegem, F. Tanentzapf, G. (2022) Gap Junctions Mediate Discrete Regulatory Steps During Fly Spermatogenesis. Plos Genetics Sep 29;18(9):e1010417.
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Gordon M, D. (2021). A neural circuit linking two sugar sensors regulates satiety-dependent fructose drive in Drosophila. Science Advances Dec 3;7(49):eabj0186.
Muria, A. Musso, P-Y. Durrieu, M. Ramon P, F. Ronsin, B. Gordon M, D. Jeanson, R. Isabel, G. (2021). Social facilitation of long-lasting memory is mediated by CO2 in Drosophila. Current Biology May 24;31(10):2065-2074.e5.
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Jelen, M. Feldman-Kiss, D. Zhang, H. Chan, R, CW. Gordon M, D. (2019). Closed-loop optogenetic activation of peripheral or central neurons modulates feeding in freely moving Drosophila. Elife Jul 19;8:e45636.
Jaeger, A, H. Stanley, M. Weiss, Z, F. Musso, P-Y. Chan, R, CW. Zhang, H. Feldman-Kiss, D and Gordon M, D. (2018). A complex peripheral code for salt taste in Drosophila. Elife Oct 11;7:e37167.
Musso, P-Y. Lampin-Saint-Amaux, A. Tchenio, P. Preat, T. (2017). Ingestion of artificial sweeteners leads to caloric frustration memory in Drosophila. Nature Communications Nov 27;8(1):1803.
Pesch, Y, Y. Dang, V. Fairchild, M, J. Islam, F. Camp, D. Kaur, P. Smendziuk, C, M. Messenberg, A. Carr, R. McFarlane, C, R. Musso, P-Y. Van Petegem, F. Tanentzapf, G. (2022) Gap Junctions Mediate Discrete Regulatory Steps During Fly Spermatogenesis. Plos Genetics Sep 29;18(9):e1010417.
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Gordon M, D. (2021). A neural circuit linking two sugar sensors regulates satiety-dependent fructose drive in Drosophila. Science Advances Dec 3;7(49):eabj0186.
Muria, A. Musso, P-Y. Durrieu, M. Ramon P, F. Ronsin, B. Gordon M, D. Jeanson, R. Isabel, G. (2021). Social facilitation of long-lasting memory is mediated by CO2 in Drosophila. Current Biology May 24;31(10):2065-2074.e5.
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Jelen, M. Feldman-Kiss, D. Zhang, H. Chan, R, CW. Gordon M, D. (2019). Closed-loop optogenetic activation of peripheral or central neurons modulates feeding in freely moving Drosophila. Elife Jul 19;8:e45636.
Jaeger, A, H. Stanley, M. Weiss, Z, F. Musso, P-Y. Chan, R, CW. Zhang, H. Feldman-Kiss, D and Gordon M, D. (2018). A complex peripheral code for salt taste in Drosophila. Elife Oct 11;7:e37167.
Musso, P-Y. Lampin-Saint-Amaux, A. Tchenio, P. Preat, T. (2017). Ingestion of artificial sweeteners leads to caloric frustration memory in Drosophila. Nature Communications Nov 27;8(1):1803.
Jelen, M. Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Gordon M, D. (2021). Optogenetic induction of appetitive and aversive taste memories in Drosophila. bioRxiv, doi:
Junca, P. Stanley, M. Musso, P-Y. Gordon M, D. (2021). Modulation of taste sensitivity by the olfactory system in Drosophila. bioRxiv,doi:
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Gordon, M, D, (2021). A neural circuit linking two sugar sensors regulates satiety-dependent fructose drive in Drosophila. bioRxiv, doi:
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Jelen, M. Feldman-Kiss, D. Zhang, H. Chan, R, CW. Gordon M, D. (2018). The STROBE: a system for closed-looped optogenetic control of freely feeding flies. bioRxiv, doi:
Junca, P. Stanley, M. Musso, P-Y. Gordon M, D. (2021). Modulation of taste sensitivity by the olfactory system in Drosophila. bioRxiv,doi:
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Gordon, M, D, (2021). A neural circuit linking two sugar sensors regulates satiety-dependent fructose drive in Drosophila. bioRxiv, doi:
Musso, P-Y. Junca, P. Jelen, M. Feldman-Kiss, D. Zhang, H. Chan, R, CW. Gordon M, D. (2018). The STROBE: a system for closed-looped optogenetic control of freely feeding flies. bioRxiv, doi:
Publications from P-Y Musso graduate research
Peer-reviewed research
Musso, P-Y. Tchénio, P. Preat, T. (2015). Delayed Dopamine Signaling of Energy Level Builds Appetitive Long-Term Memory in Drosophila. Cell Reports Feb 24;10(7):1023-31.
Louis, T. Musso, P-Y. de Oliveira, S B. Garreau, L. Giurfa, M. Raymond, V. and Gauthier, M. (2012). Amelα8 subunit knockdown in the mushroom body vertical lobes impairs olfactory retrieval in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Eur J Neurosci 36(10), 3438-50.
Louis, T. Musso, P-Y. de Oliveira, S B. Garreau, L. Giurfa, M. Raymond, V. and Gauthier, M. (2012). Amelα8 subunit knockdown in the mushroom body vertical lobes impairs olfactory retrieval in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Eur J Neurosci 36(10), 3438-50.